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Legal Matters
Law centres: from radical roots to advancing rights and equality

Amy McGilp, Communication Officer at the Legal Services Agency in Glasgow, reflects on the evolution of law centres in Scotland during the Law Society's 75th anniversary. The journey began with the Legal Aid and Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1949, which aimed to improve access to legal aid. The first law centre, Kensington Law Centre, opened in 1970, inspired by civil rights movements in the USA. Tony Gifford QC, a co-founder, said: “The message was very simple: justice is for all.” Today, there are ten law centres in Scotland, addressing unmet legal needs and advocating for systemic change. Despite their successes, funding challenges threaten their sustainability, as highlighted by Annie Campbell Viswanathan, who emphasised: “Every neighbourhood, every community should have a law centre.” The law centre sector remains crucial for ensuring justice is accessible to all.

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